Two consecutive tracks launched during these months, have made rap-singer "Mc Kresha" one of the most wanted in recent days. Këngët e tij “Lej Flleshat” dhe bashkëpunimi me anëtarin e grupit “TDS”, “Dr Mic” me këngën “Lyrical WarFare” janë ndër këngët më të dëgjuarat në radio dhe televizionet tona. His songs "Lej Flleshat" and cooperation with the member of "TDS", "Dr. Mic" with "Lyrical Warfare" are among the songs heard on our radio and television.
“Mc Kresha” emri i të cilit është Kreshnik Fazliu thotë se është i kënaqur me suksesin e dy këngëve. "Mc Kresha" whose name is Dato Fazliu says he is pleased with the success of two songs. “Lej Flleshat” është një këngë që është popullarizua ma shumë sepse ka dal më herët në internet, por edhe kjo tjetra është duke ecur shumë mirë. "Lej Flleshat" is a song that is popullarizua me too because it turned out earlier in the internet, but this other one is moving very well. Kënga “Lej Flleshat” është punuar në studion e Enis Preshevës ndërsa “Lyrical WarFare” në studion e Genc Prelvukajt.Por keto dy kenge nuk jane sukseset e vetme me te cilat eshte karakterizuar Mc Kresha gjate kesaj vere."Souljah" eshte nje bashkepunim mes Mc Kreshes Lyrical Son dhe nje djaloshi te ri i quajtur Noga emri i te cilit eshte Agon Abdullahu. The song "Lej Flleshat" is working in the studio of Presevo Enis and "Lyrical Warfare" in the studio of Genc Prelvukajt.Por these two songs are not the only success that has characterized Mc Kresha during this summer. "Souljah" is a collaboration between Kreshes Mc Lyrical Son and a young man named Noga whose name is Abdullah Agon. Bashkepunim tjeter ka pasur edhe me kengetaren Leonora Poloska me kengen "Kush o mama". There was another collaboration with the singer Leonora Crazy with the song "Who o mama." Beri bashkepunim edhe me shum artist te tjere ne kengen "Lil Samee" dhe se fundi kengen "Delicius" me kengetaren 17 vjqare qe sapo preku ne estraden tone Dafina Rexhepi. Made collaboration with many other artist in the song "Lil Same" and finally the song "Delicius" with singer 17 vjqare you just touched our estraden Dafina Rexhepi. Poashtu doli ne shitje albumi i tij "Patikat e mija".Ky album eshte i ndare ne dy pjese pjesa e pare ka dalur ne shitje gjate kesaj vere ndersa pjesa e dyte pritet te dale gjate stines se dimrit ne ket vit.MC kresha tha ne nje emisjon se tanime ka vendosu ti beje nje pushim vetes pas gjith ketyre kengeve te realizuara gjate kesaj vere... Also appeared in his album sales of "My Patikat. The album is divided into two parts the first part has come in sales during this summer while the second part is expected to appear during the winter season at this vit.MC Kresha said in emisjon that already has a dwell can make yourself a break after all these songs performed during this summer ..
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